I started working on some REST client Android development. I have spent the past 1-2 month reading books, and just looking around the internet for good resources, so I could feel I had a complete picture as to what my current skills could best be used to develop.

I started using the Spring Tool Set (STS) to develop my android app. That worked ok, but I have been a long time Intellij developer. Now with the release of IDEA X (ideaIU-98.520), there is android support.

Now there are plenty of books out there to learn Android, and I can tell you, none of them worked for me as a single source to give me the picture I needed to get business apps working.

BOOKS I read:

  • Android Application Development [2009]
  • Beginning Android 2 [2010]
  • Hello_Android_3rd_Edition [2010]
  • Pro Android 2 [2010]
  • Professional Android 2 Application Development [2010]
  • Unlocking Android [2009] (partial)

Getting the basics to say hello world was easy, but when you want to move past that, you really need to dig (imho).

What I really wanted to do, is integrate Spring-Mobile, and the RestTemplate into my android all so I can leverage the Springframework tools.

I foundĀ http://www.springsource.org/spring-mobile which actually is a server side framework for detecting Browser verse mobile devices. So don’t let the name fool you.

I then foundĀ http://static.springsource.org/spring-android/docs/1.0.x/reference/htmlsingle/ which is actually a client side library that helps connect to REST based services.

The Spring Android documentation says to get the following libraries:


I was very confused, as I cannot find any Spring example where using IDEA, or Eclipse, that Maven is used for Rapid Development. I spent several hours trying to find a working solution, and could not find this documented anywhere. Frustrating! Finally I downloaded the 3 jars, then added them to my ./lib directory and added all 3 Libraries to my Third-Party Jars in my IDEA project.

As soon as I built the application, I get this exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lorg/apache/commons/logging/Log;

This led me to see that for some reason, spring-android-commons-logging-1.0.1.BUILD-20101129.090047-10.jar was not going to work. I removed that jar, and the error went away, and I was able to get the example to work.

Mick Knutson

Java, JavaEE, J2EE, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Oracle, Spring, Maven, Architecture, Design, Mentoring, Instructor and Agile Consulting. http://www.baselogic.com/blog/resume

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