So I ran into an issue today that has been detailed at in the Spring forums that at first glance, looked identical to my issue. But this was in fact not my issue. First...
Author - Mick Knutson
NOTE: AVOID SPACES IN DIRECTORY NAMES AT ALL COST! It is mandatory that your JDK be installed in a directory that does NOT have spaces. The default installer uses...
Keeping Tomcat binaries locally for integration testing on Linux
I ran into an issue of server timeouts with embedded Tomcat in my Maven build once I moved to my Linux Build Server. I defined the cargo plugin as that is starting my...
Deploying webapp to multiple containers
In my efforts to integrate Jetty, tomcat and selenium into my Maven build for continuous integration tests, I have run into some strange issues. It seems that if I run...
I converted from XFire to CXF which is really XFire 2 I guess. Now I am using Maven, DBUnit, TestNG, H2 and embedded Tomcat for continuous integration testing. Now I...
bpel-example I spent quite a while trying to get Maven to build our Oracle BPEL suitcases. I wanted to do this because I did not want to rely on JDeveloper to deploy the...
So after an entire weekend of frustration with tutorials such as and I think I have come up with a way to test XFire services deployed through Tomcat during my Maven...
I want to start this blog for 3 reasons: I won’t lie, I want to get more reference material for prospective clients to hire me and my services. I have heaps of...