I ran into an issue of server timeouts with embedded Tomcat in my Maven build once I moved to my Linux Build Server. I defined the cargo plugin as...
Category - Development
Deploying webapp to multiple containers
In my efforts to integrate Jetty, tomcat and selenium into my Maven build for continuous integration tests, I have run into some strange issues. It...
I converted from XFire to CXF which is really XFire 2 I guess. Now I am using Maven, DBUnit, TestNG, H2 and embedded Tomcat for continuous...
bpel-example I spent quite a while trying to get Maven to build our Oracle BPEL suitcases. I wanted to do this because I did not want to rely on...
So after an entire weekend of frustration with tutorials such as and I think I have come up with a way to test XFire services deployed through Tomcat...
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